Monday, May 30, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016

Final draft

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino
     I had to remember an 8-line poem for my English class so I chose the poem "March" by an unknown author. I had to read the poem out loud, write it down and also perform the poem with music on the background. And now our teacher is planning to make us do a new video of us reading the poem with pictures on the background. The poem I chose, talks about spring coming and taking away the leaves left from autumn. The poem "March" symbolizes how our life has negative changes, but everything will turn out positive, and those memories will always be a part of us. The poem uses structural changes to show how those changes in our life shapes us.
     Like I said, the poem that I chose discusses how “the winds of March” comes and changes the winter towards summer. The poem says to the winds of March that “we welcome you”, which shows how much spring has been waited during winter. The Winds of March in this poems represents something positive. The positive thing comes after winter, which in this poem is something negative and misery, and even suffering. In this poem, the statement “blow the dry leaves away” refers to the start of winter, fall. This means that the bad things in your life, which is winter in this poem, starts from something that isn’t as bad, even beautiful. This shows that you never know where your life is going, and you shouldn’t be too trustful towards the good things, because they can lead to something bad. The poem teaches how all things end, but also new things start. This is shown through different times of year. When fall ends, winter starts, and when winter ends, spring starts, which is the start of summer. This can also be understood in a way, that the start of something, ends something else. This poem brings out the contrast between fate and destiny. It makes the reader think that can he change his life through his own actions, or is everything meant to be. It makes you think that are you living your own life, or just experiencing it.
     The poem is structured in 8 different lines. 5 of the lines contains 3 words, while 2 of them has 4 words and one line contains only 2 words. This helps the poem to bring up the fact that everything doesn’t always go the same, and there are changes in your life. The last last line contains 2 words which shows how your future will always be different in some ways than the present. The rhyme scheme in the first stanza of the poem is as following: A B C B and in the second: D D E D. The poem has a rhyme scheme, so it is not a free verse poem. The repetition shows that even that you have some changes in your life, you are still living the same life. Those changes stay in the past, but they are still a part of you. The poem has a happy emotion, which tries to show the reader that life is still a positive gift, and how you should stay happy, even though your life wouldn’t be so easy. The poem uses a lot of figurative language to show the meaning of the poem as a simile.
     This poem is one of the most meaningful poems ever written. It discusses honestly about the meaning of life and living. It makes the reader really think about his attitude towards life. It makes the reader realize how something bad is always followed by something good. At the same time the poem makes us think about destiny and fate, is the good taking the bad away, or does the good come only after the bad is gone?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The poem "March" symbolises how our life has negative changes, but everything will turn out positive, and those memories will always be a part of us.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

The Cheshire Academy spring drama was "comedy tonight". It was a collection of different skits, dances and songs. All the skits were written by students and faculty from Cheshire Academy. The show was performed in the Black Box theater in the Field House on Friday and Sunday. Overall the play was funny, like it was supposed to be, but it seemed like the play could have used more rehearsal before it was performed. The actors all did a great job, but it seemed like the play wasn't ready yet. Some actors forgot their lines and the things that they were supposed to do. This might be because there were a lot of single skits that you had to remember instead of a single story line. Also because this was a comedy, body performance was an important part of the skits. Anyway I don't think that it was necessarily a bad thing. It made the play even funnier in some ways. All the actors performed bravely and weren't embarrassed to perform, which was a huge part to make the play successful. Some skits ridiculed some president candidates, religion and the faculty in Cheshire Academy. This was done by over exaggerating their personalities and characteristics. The play wasn't afraid to brake the limits to please the audience. The play was enjoyable to watch and I would recommend it.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino
I had to remember an 8-line poem for my English class so I chose the poem "March" by an unkown author. I had to read the poem out loud, write it down and also perform the poem with music on the background. And now our teacher is planning to make us do a new video of us reading the poem with pictures on the background. The poem I chose, talks about spring coming and taking away the leaves left from autumn. This symbolizes how your life will turn out positive, even if you are going through some hard times.
Like I said, the poem that I chose discusses how “the winds of March” comes and changes the winter towards summer. The poem says to the winds of March that “we welcome you”, which shows how much spring has been waited during winter. The Winds of March in this poems represents something positive. The positive thing comes after winter, which in this poem is something negative and misery, and even suffering. In this poem, the statement “blow the dry leaves away” refers to the start of winter, fall. This means that the bad things in your life, which is winter in this poem, starts from something that isn’t as bad, even beautiful. This shows that you never know where your life is going, and you shouldn’t be too trustful towards the good things, because they can lead to something bad. The poem teaches how all things end, but also new things start. This is shown through different times of year. When fall ends, winter starts, and when winter ends, spring starts, which is the start of summer. This can also be understood in a way, that the start of something, ends something else. This poem brings out the contrast between fate and destiny. It makes the reader think that can he change his life through his own actions, or is everything meant to be. It makes you think that are you living your own life, or just experiencing it.
The poem is structured in 8 different lines. 5 of the lines contains 3 words, while 2 of them has 4 words and one line contains only 2 words. This helps the poem to bring up the fact that everything doesn’t always go the same, and there are changes in your life. The last last line contains 2 words which shows how your future will always be different in some ways than the present. The rhyme scheme in the first stanza of the poem is as following: A B C B and in the second: D D E D. The poem has a rhyme scheme, so it is not a free verse poem. The repetition shows that even that you have some changes in your life, you are still living the same life. Those changes stay in the past, but they are still a part of you. The poem has a happy emotion, which tries to show the reader that life is still a positive gist, and how you should stay happy, even though your life wouldn’t be so easy. The poem uses a lot of figurative language to show the meaning of the poem as a simile.
This poem is really meaningful. It discusses honestly about the meaning of life and living. It makes the reader really think about his attitude towards life. It makes the reader realize how something bad is always followed by something good. But is the good taking the bad away, or does the good come only when the bad is gone?

Friday, May 20, 2016

youtube link:

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Winds of March,
We welcome you,
There is work
For you to do,
Work and play
And blow all day,
Blow the dry
Leaves away.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The overwhelming smell of joss sticks. 
They do make a very strong smell, 
not a particularly nice smell, 
but it’s meant to appease the ancestors. 
That was the overwhelming smell 
except for the smell of burning gasoline 
and diesel and the smell of burning flesh, I must say. 
The main sound was the wailing and misery of the monks, 
who had known this guy for many years before and were feeling for him. 
Then there was shouting over loudspeakers 
people, trying to figure out a way to put him out, 
put out the flames around him without actually killing. 
So it was a jumble of confusion.

Malcolm Brown, 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The fig means a gift from allah to the father. It symbolises nature's beauty and achieved dreams. Even though it is a gift from god, we need to work ourselves in order to achieve it, not just waiting for it to magically happen.

Friday, April 29, 2016

It is getting warm,
The sun is up once again,
Summer is coming.
Macklemore - Wings:

We want what we can't have, commodity makes us want it
So expensive, damn, I just got to flaunt it
Got to show 'em, so exclusive, this that new shit
A hundred dollars for a pair of shoes I would never hoop in
Look at me, look at me, I'm a cool kid
I'm an individual, yeah, but I'm part of a movement
My movement told me be a consumer and I consumed it
They told me to just do it, I listened to what that swoosh said
Look at what that swoosh did See it consumed my thoughts
Are you stupid, don't crease 'em, just leave 'em in that box
Strangled by these laces, laces I can barely talk
That's my air bubble and I'm lost if it pops
We are what we wear, we wear what we are
But see I look inside the mirror and think Phil Knight tricked us all
Will I stand for change or stay in my box
These Nikes help me define me, but I'm trying to take mine off.


These lyrics are from Macklemore's song "Wings". The song is about a boy, who wants to be good at basketball and tries to achieve that by buying cool shoes. The meaning of the song is that we are trying to define ourselves by following other people around us. In the music video, Macklemore is reading the lyrics from a book to little kids. This shows that the song is trying to send a message teaching people to be themselves and not blindly follow others. If you build yourself on what you wear, that's all you are, and without them, you are lost. The tone in the song is sad and rhythmical which makes it meaningful. The lyrics follow mostly a rhyme scheme AA, BB, CC... but at some parts ABAB. This chore has 8 stanzas that each has 2 lines. These lyrics works as a poem, because it follows the same rhythm, has stanzas and ending rhymes. The lines doesn't have same amount of syllables, but it is fixed by singing faster and slower and keeping small breaks.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
– William Blake (extract from Auguries of Innocence)

I chose it because a lot of the other poems I read were negative and depressing, which I don't like. I like how this poem is positive and describes freedom as a key to happiness. It tells how you need to be free and not stressed to see the world's true beauty.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

Creative Project Reflection

For my creative project, I drew a drawing. In the drawing, Kellyanne is in a wheelchair, going up a hill. There is also two invisible characters, and their shadows, that represents Pobby and Dingan. I drew this drawing with pencils, so it is black and white. I didn’t use any colors, because I think that black and white is more meaningful and it fits the scene, which is a little sad. Also colors might have made the drawing less professional.
The hill in the drawing, represents the difficulties that Kellyanne has. She is going up the hill in a wheelchair. This shows how hard it is for Kellyanne to go through those challenges by herself. Kellyanne has her hand resting on the wheelchair, so she isn’t pushing the wheelchair forward herself.
There is also dark shadow behind Kellyanne, and it gets lighter when you go up the hill. On top of the hill, there is no shadow, only light. this also represents how Kellyanne is going away from the shadow towards the light. What the light represents, is for the audience to figure out.
Behind Kellyanne there are two characters. You can not see the characters, but you can see two lighter parts in the drawing behind Kellyanne. There are also shadows of those two characters behind the shadow of Kellyanne and her wheelchair. Other one of the characters is pushing the wheelchair that Kellyanne is in. The idea of this is to show that even if you can’t see those characters, they are still helping Kellyanne. That way they actually are real, even if you can’t see them, which is the main idea of the book Pobby and Dingan.
I did this drawing for my final project, because I thought it was a good way to show my understanding of the book. I did it as a drawing, because I like drawing, but I am really bad at it. This was a good way to practise my drawing. I had to do a lot of practising before I did my last draft, and I can really see how my drawing improved from the start to the final draft.
While I was drawing Kellyanne and her wheelchair, I had to do a lot of very detailed drawing. Drawing the hill, shadow and Pobby and Dingan was not detailed drawing, but it was also hard and time consuming. I had to draw the same spots over and over again, and to make sure that I don’t draw too hard. I think that My strongest part of the project is the idea. The drawing doesn’t look really professional. The hardest part was drawing Kellyanne’s face, and I think that it is the weakest part in my project. Also people that haven't seen or read Pobby and Dingan, can still understand my drawing.

Monday, April 18, 2016

I have drawn Kellyanne and her face many times. I have tried to draw different kind of faces and emotions to her. I won't try to make her look real, but I don't want her to look like a stick figure. I still need to draw my final draft on a bigger piece of paper, which might take a few tries.

Monday, April 11, 2016

I will draw pobby and Dingan for my creative project. I won't draw them as people, but I will draw them as some kind of force that protects Kellyanne. I'm not yet exactly sure that how I will make Pobby and Dingan noticeable. I'm also not a good drawer, so I will probably have to make many drafts before my actual drawing. I will try to draw my final draft with a black in pen, or a pencil, so it's going to be black and white. I hope that I will learn drawing from this project, and also portraying my ideas into drawing.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The quote: "The secret of an opal's color lies not in its substance but in its absence." means that opal is so valuable because it is a symbol of hope and dreams. People have dreams that could be achieved by finding opal, and that gives them hope to keep on searching for it, even though they might have never found it yet. Hope and dreams are the "fuel" of humans that we need everyday to get out of bed. For the characters in the novel, opal was also a symbol of hope and dreams. But everyone has their own dreams, and for everyone the opal has a different meaning. For Ashmole it showed that believing is the most important thing. The opal showed Ashmole how dreams could be achieved by believing that they will happen. Ashmole wanted Kellyanne to get better and his dad to win the trial. The opal helped Ashmole to believe and hope that they will happpen. The opal is an important thing in the novel, because it was the only thing that gave the characters hope. I think that the different colors in the opal represented different dreams that people had. And the absence means that they only exist when you don't have them. If you got everything you ever wanted, you wouldn't have any dreams, and that would take the living out of your life. Living is having dreams and going after them and trying to achieve them, not the achieving itself.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Book vs. movie

In the book, Ashmole didn't get the opal back like he did in the movie. Also Sid started yelling and threatening Rex in the book, but not in the movie. Also Kellyanne died in the book. The movie didn't tell that part, but the movie neither said that Kellyanne turned out okay.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Pobby and Dingan quiz answers

2. When Ashmole was going to look for Pobby and Dingan at the mines, he wasn't really sure if he believes that Pobby and Dingan are real. On his way there, Ashmole thinks how amazing it is that the place was once on the bottom of the ocean: "If this amazing thing was true it was just possible Pobby and Dingan were true too." Ashmole thinks. This is important moment for the story, because that is when Ashmole starts to believe that Pobby and Dingan were real, and really search for them. He realizes that even if he hasn't seen something himself, it might still be true, just like Pobby and Dingan.

5. This story duscusses the importance of dreaming and believing. It shows how those things gives us hope. Ashmole finds Pobby and Dingan not only because he believed they are real, but because believing in them gave Ashmole hope to keep on looking. He believed that if he finds them, Kellyanne will also get better. Also Ashmole's father Rex had big dreams that he will find opal and then have a much better life. These dreams gave Rex hope to keep on looking and mining for opal. Even that he had never found opal, he had hope to give him energy to look for them.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Claim: Me and Dad were relaxing after a hard afternoon's work out at the claim
noun. a piece of a mine, that is owned by someone

wobbling: a four-wheel-drive police jeep came wobbling down the creamy red track.
verb. moving with an unsteady motion

startled: My dad turned around, startled.
verb. to move with a quick sudden motion.

figment: Pobby was a figment of her imaginings.
noun. a product of imagination

rummaged: He rummaged through a pile of rocks.
verb. moving around looking for something

ute: I slammed the door of the ute in Dingan's face.
noun. car type

crackpot: Lightning ridge was full of flaming crackpots as far as I could see.
noun. a strange or crazy person

Mello Yello: hiding my anger in a swing from my can of Mello Yello.
noun. a lemonade brand

mates: Dad had become mates with Pobby and Dingan.
noun. friends

opal: My dad would come back from the opal mines covered in dust.
noun. a type of rock

fairdinkum: There’s definitely something in that earth with the name Williamson on it!” “Fairdinkum?”
Austrailian slang word for truth, really, fair

imaginary: I wasn’t crazy enough to talk to imaginary friends.

Noun. Something that you have made up that exists in your head, not usually physical

grub: She said they were quieter and better behaved than me and deserved the grub.
Adjective. Short and thick

fossilized: a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.
Adjective. Remains of something really old

mammoth: a fossilized mammoth tooth with sun-flash in it.
Noun. An animal that doesn't exist anymore 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Are Pobby and Dingan real? It depends. In the book Pobby and Dingan, Pobby and dingan are Ashmole's little sister's imaginary friends, that might actually be more than imaginary characters in the book. But if they are imaginary or not in the book, does that make them real or not real. "Things that never existed can’t be dead. Right?” This shows how Ashmole didn't think that Pobby and Dingan were real, at least not in the real physical world.
I think that if they are imaginary, they are real. If they are defined as imaginary characters, and not real people, the fact that they exist in ones imagination, makes the characters real. If you think that is God real or not, you might think that it isn't. But what if God is just an imaginary power in our heads, instead of a actual physical person in the sky, does that make God real. I think that it does, because the definition of God is then something that someone believes in, and it is true that someone believes in God, so God is real.

Monday, February 29, 2016

My favourite charcter was Ti Moune. Besides her great performance and singing, I liked the characters personality. She seemed really curious. She wanted to follow her heart more than her mind.  This is why she went to the rich peoples community after Daniel. I like that she was even willing to sacrifice her own life for the love of her life. She represents people's innocents.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

Once On This Island

I went to see the Cheshire Academy play called Once On This Island this Friday. It was a musical played by the students of Cheshire Academy. It took place in the Black Box theater in the Field House.
I usually don’t like musicals, but this one was a pleasant surprise. Time went by really fast and all the actors did a great job. Almost the whole play was singing, except just a few short parts. There was a live band playing music for the entire play.
The musical was about a girl called Ti Moune, who was abandoned in a tree when she was a baby. The peasants found the baby and took her. One peasant couple raised Ti Moune. The peasants were separated from the rich people, and they lived in their own community. There were also four Gods: The God of earth “Asaka”, the God of water “Agwe”, the God of Love “Erzulie” and the God of Death “Papa Ge”. The Gods were standing still in the background for almost the entire play, which must have been hard. The Gods wanted to see who was more powerful, God of Love or God of Death. They sent a rich boy, called Daniel, to the peasants community, who crashed his car and passed out. Ti Moune took care of Daniel and fell in love with the boy. After a few days, the rich people came to get Daniel back. Ti Moune couldn’t be away from Daniel, so she traveled to his house and the Gods helped him to get in. Daniel didn’t remember Ti Moune, but still he fell in love with her. Ti Moune lived with the rich people, until she heard that Daniel was getting married with another girl. Then Ti Moune got to choose that will she kill Daniel or die herself. This is how the Gods got to see which was more powerful, love or death. Ti Moune chose not to kill Daniel, and then she was transformed into a tree somehow.
As I mentioned, the whole play was sang, so the plot was sometimes hard to understand. Anyhow the play was really good and I enjoyed watching it.
Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

Writing Center

At first, I went to the writing center during extra help. There was no one there, so I sat down to wait for someone to come. The room was really comfortable. There were desks and comfy chairs, there was even a fake fireplace. There were also Hershey's chocolate on the table, so i helped myself and ate two pieces. After a few minutes, two other students also showed up to wait for Mrs. Swift. I waited for about 15 minutes, but she didn't show up so I had to go to my next class.
At the end of my day, during my free period, I went back to see if she was there, and she was. There were two students working on their own, and Mrs. Swift was in her room. She wasn't busy, so she could help me right away. She started to read my essay out loud from my Ipad. I accidently had a few capital letters left in wrong places, because I had added something in front of them. She noticed that and we changed them. One big thing that she told me to change, was to change my essay from past to present. She also told me not to use the word “that”. She also noticed that my unfinished conclusion wasn’t good yet and she told me to work more on it. She saw that I had many sentences with the similar start and that I used the same words in different sentences. She told me that if I changed those words, my essay would become easier to read. It said that I was going to add a third body paragraph where I would connect my ideas to the real world, so the reader could see how my analysis affects their life. She thought that it would be a good idea.
Now I will write a third body paragraph and a strong conclusion. After I have written those, I will do some more revising. If I don’t have enough words after I have written enough evidences to support all of my ideas and I have a strong analysis, I will make my essay longer by adding words and more summary.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

I think that I have a strong start in my essay, but there are a lot of things yet to work on. On my revision, I tried to make my introduction better, but I think that I should still change it a lot to make it stronger and clearer. I also started to write my ending. I still need to work on it a lot. The title that I chose for now is "what is love". I think that I need to choose a better title, because it doesn't connect to ideas and analysis as much as I'd like it to. It is easier to do later, because then I can connect it to my whole essay better. My two body paragraphs has a strong idea and some evidence. The first body paragraph analysis the book me and you. It tells how powerful love is and how it can change a person’s personality. For the first body paragraph, I need to add quotes. I think that I don't have too much summary, but I could add more, or stronger analysis. My second body paragraph of the movie little manhattan, is strong and analytical, but my understanding and analysis of the movie isn’t so strong. It is that the changes that love does to you, will stay forever. I think that I might add a third body paragraph. In that paragraph I would connect my analysis and ideas more to the real life and how they affect our regular everyday life. That way I could make my ideas more connectable with the reader. It would also strengthen my analysis of my second body paragraph.
Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

What is Love

            Love is the strongest feeling in the world. When you are in love, your life starts to spin around your love. Because love is so important part of your life, it starts to affect your everyday life, even if you don’t realize it. Little Manhattan and Me and You both Show us that Love is the most powerful thing in the world when it comes to changing a person's personality.
The book Me and You Shows how even a troubled kid can be changed by the power of love. At first, Lorenzo was a young boy who had a lot of social problems. He didn't have friends and he preferred to be left alone. This shows that he needed a person who cared for him. Lorenzo also didn't care for anyone else except himself. From this we can learn that Lorenzo was really selfish. When his half sister, Olivia, came to his life and she was in need, Lorenzo slowly started to care for her more and more. After he helps Olivia, he feels really good and suddenly he felt really alive. The love between Lorenzo and his sister Olivia, changed Lorenzo from from a selfish self centered boy to a caring and outgoing person. This proves that sometimes you just need a person who you love and who loves you back in order to find a better life.
          Even though love can be really wonderful at the time, it usually ends at some point. The movie Little Manhattan proves that even if the love ended, its effect on you will stay forever. Gabe was a 11 year old boy who suddenly fell in love with a girl who he has known for years. From this we can infer that you can fall in love really fast without having control over it. Gabe was living a perfectly normal life, except his parents were divorced. Before Gabe fell in love, all he knew about love, was that love ends. After he fell in love with Rosemary, his life turned around. All his thoughts started to go around love and Rosemary. This shows how much love influences your normal day life. After Rosemary broke up with Gabe, He went home and saw his parents laughing together remembering their honeymoon. This fact shows that when the love ends, it doesn’t change the past. The memories and  the effect that love had on you, will stay the same for ever.
          From these things we can infer that love truly is the greatest power in the world. It is so effective, that it can change a person’s personality so much, that the person is almost a different person.

Monday, February 22, 2016

"Because love is so important part of your life, it starts to affect your everyday life."
This is my favourite sentence because it is really strong and everyone can relate to it, even if they don't realize it.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

first draft

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

           Love is the strongest feeling in the world. When you are in love, your life starts to spin around your love. Because love is so important part of your life, it starts to affect your everyday life. Little Manhattan and Me and You both Show us that Love is the most powerful thing in the world when it comes to changing a person's personality.
The book Me and You Shows how even a troubled kid can be changed by the power of love. At first, Lorenzo was a young boy who had a lot of social problems. He didn't have friends and he preferred to be left alone. This shows that he needed a person who cared for him. Lorenzo also didn't care for anyone else except himself. From this we can learn that Lorenzo was really selfish. When his half sister, Olivia, came to his life and she was in need, Lorenzo slowly started to care for her more and more. After he helps Olivia, he feels really good and suddenly he felt really alive. The love between Lorenzo and his sister Olivia, changed Lorenzo from from a selfish self centered boy to a caring and outgoing person. This proves that sometimes you just need a person who you love and who loves you back in order to find a better life.
Even though love can be really wonderful at the time, it usually ends at some point. The movie Little Manhattan proves that even if the love ended, its effect on you will stay forever. Gabe was a 11 year old boy who suddenly fell in love with a girl who he has known for years. From this we can infer that you can fall in love really fast without having control over it. Gabe was living a perfectly normal life, except his parents were divorced. Before Gabe fell in love, all he knew about love, was that love ends. After he fell in love with Rosemary, his life turned around. All his thoughts started to go around love and Rosemary. This shows how much love influences your normal day life. After Rosemary broke up with Gabe, He went home and saw his parents laughing together remembering their honeymoon. This fact shows that when the love ends, it doesn’t change the past. The memories and the effect that love had on you, will stay the same for ever.

First first draft

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

            Little Manhattan and Me and You both Show us that Love is the most powerful thing in the world when it comes to changing a person's personality.
            The book Me and You Shows how even a troubled kid can be changed by the power of love. At first, Lorenzo was a young boy who had a lot of social problems. He didn't have friends and he preferred to be left alone. This shows that he needed a person who cared for him. Lorenzo also didn't care for anyone else except himself. From this we can learn that Lorenzo was really selfish. When his half sister, Olivia, came to his life and she was in need, Lorenzo slowly started to care for her more and more. After he helps Olivia, he feels really good and suddenly he felt really alive. The love between Lorenzo and his sister Olivia, changed Lorenzo from from a selfish self centered boy to a caring and outgoing person. This proves that sometimes you just need a person who you love and who loves you back in order to find a better life.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The book Me and You, Shows how love can change even a troubled kid. At first, Lorenzo was a young boy who had a lot of social problems. He didn't have friends and he preferred to be left alone. He also didn't care for anyone else except himself. When his half sister, Olivia, came to his life and she was in need, Lorenzo slowly started to care for her more and more. After he helps Olivia, he feels really good and suddenly he felt really alive. The love between Lorenzo and his sister Olivia, changed Lorenzo from from a selfish self centered boy to a caring person. This proves the power that love has to change a person.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The novel 'me and you' and the film 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' portrays how love changes personality, from being hopeless and solitary to open-minded and caring.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Little Manhattan is a love story between that tells about how quick and painful love can be, but still wonderful. Me and you is more focused on the change that a person's love can have on another person.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chill snowdays

Snowdays are the best,
because there is no school.
You can watch Netflix,
and relax in your dorm.
You don't need to go anywhere or do anything.
You don't need to wake up early,
So you can stay up late.
If you feel bored,
You can go outside,
Play in the snow,
or build a snowman.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

Little Manhattan

Little Manhattan is a love story between a 10 year old boy and a 11 year old girl. It tells about how quick and painful love can be, but still wonderful. 
     The Main character and narrator of this Movie is Gabe. He is a normal boy who has good friends. His parents are divorced, but they are still living together. Gabe has a good relationship with both of them. Before Gabe gets to know Rosemary, all he knew about love, is that love ends. He meets Rosemary in karate class, where they became karate partners. They decides to practice together. They get a little side tracked, and goes shopping for a dress for Rosemary. When Gabe sees her in that dress, he fells in love with her. He doesn't know what these feelings are. Usually he has thought that girls are gross. Gabe gets really nervous around Rosemary, and wants to make a good impression. His thoughts starts to go around Rosemary. They start seeing each other more often. Gabe wants to kiss her, but he is too nervous. Then Rosemary gets a new karate partner, and Gabe thinks that he has to go back to his miserable life, until he remembers that his life was great. Gabe still can't get Rosemary out of his head. Then Rosemary calls Gabe and they go to a concert. Gabe finally has the guts to kiss her. Her response is: "I got to go." The next day Rosemary calls him, and Gabe tells her that he hates her. Later he starts to regret it, and apologizes to her and tells that he loves her more than anything. Rosemary says that she is not ready to love yet. When he goes home, his parents are laughing together, and remembering their honeymoon.
     Gabe realizes that even though love ends, you will always have those memories that you can't shape, and Rosemary will always be his first love.

Monday, February 1, 2016

3 movies

1.  Little Manhattan, the movie is about two kids falling in love with each other in Manhattan.

2. The Fault in Our Stars, it tells about two cancer patients on a journey together to see a reclusive author in Amsterdam.

3. Wild Child, a rebellious teenage "princess" is sent to a strict boarding school in England.
Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino
The Ending

The book “Me and You” ended when Lorenzo saw her dead sister. It was 10 years later than the actual story. The book also started when Lorenzo was waiting in a hotel on the same day as he went to see his dead sister. The last part began when Lorenzo was reading the note that Olivia left him, at the hotel. In the letter Olivia says that “remember to keep the promise”, which referred to the promise that they would see each other again. Lorenzo thought to himself that he will see her after ten years. He walks to some kind of corpse room, where Lorenzo sees Olivia laying on a table, dead. He asks for a moment with her alone.
I didn’t really have any reaction to the ending. You can’t really have a reaction to a fictional book. I didn’t really expect anything from the ending, so it didn’t surprise me at all. I thought that after their time in the basement, Lorenzo and Olivia would be closer and keep in touch with each other. The book said that they haven’t seen each other in ten years, but it didn’t relieve if they had been in touch with each other. There isn’t much that you could learn from the book. One thing that the book showed us is that if you do drugs, it is possible to quit, but it is very hard to stay clean forever. Olivia seemed like she quit doing drugs, but 10 years later she died of overdose. Another thing is that drugs can ruin your life and even kill you. In the book, drugs had ruined Olivia’s life, and later on they killed her.

Monday, January 18, 2016


In chapter 5, Lorenzo’s half sister, Olivia, finds out that Lorenzo is hiding in the basement. She came to the basement to find something out of her old stuff, but couldn’t find anything. Then Olivia asks Lorenzo for money, but he tells her that he doesn’t have any. Lorenzo doesn’t really know Olivia. His parents doesn’t talk about Olivia when Lorenzo was around. Olivia promises not to tell that Lorenzo is hiding in the basement. Lorenzo finds a letter from Olivia to their father. Olivia tells that Olivia hates their dad and doesn’t need his money anymore. Later that night, Olivia knocks on the basement window. She asks if she can spend the night in the basement. Lorenzo strictly says no. He thought that the basement was his, and nobody could come or stay there. He said that there is only room and food for one person. I think that he felt safe in the basement when he was there alone. He could do what he wants to, and nobody was watching or judging him. Also when he was alone, he didn’t have to worry from getting caught. Olivia tried to ask him nicely like she is asking for a favour and she did a favour for Lorenzo by not telling on him. Still Lorenzo says that she can’t come and he promised himself that he wouldn’t get out of the basement. After that Olivia started to threaten Lorenzo with telling to his parents that he was in the basement. After that Lorenzo let’s Olivia come over for one night. He couldn’t take the risk that his parents found out. Next day Olivia is really sick. Still Lorenzo tells Olivia that she needs to leave. But right when She was leaving, Lorenzo’s mum called him. His mum demands to talk to Alessia’s mother. Then Lorenzo got an idea that Olivia could pretend Alessia’s mother. At first she says that she won’t do it. Lorenzo begs her and gives her permission to stay in the basement and agrees to be her slave for the rest of his life. Then she talks to Lorenzo’s mother pretending that she was Alessia’s mother. Lorenzo’s mum believed it. Lorenzo gets worried of Olivia’s illness, but Olivia tells him to mind his own business. Lorenzo notices red dots in the middle of Olivia’s arms. He realizes that she was a drug addict. That’s why she needs money and his parents doesn’t talk about her when he was around. He was shocked. Lorenzo was afraid of people who just sit on the benches of Villa Borghese and drinks beer and uses drugs and begs for money. And now there was one of those in his den. He waits for Olivia to go to the bathroom, and then checks her purse. He found syringes wrapped in plastic. I think that Lorenzo then realizes that Olivia needed help and support.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Once upon a time I went to a New Year’s Eve party. There were a lot of people waiting for the 2016 to start. I didn't know a lot of them.
There were still several hours before the countdown. We were inside and I started to get to know other people. It was really fun and the people were really nice. Then it was time to go outside to see the fireworks. when the clock hit 00.00, everybody shouted "Happy New Year!" After that we went inside to continue the party.
The party was great and the fireworks were amazing. We all had a really good time.