Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

Creative Project Reflection

For my creative project, I drew a drawing. In the drawing, Kellyanne is in a wheelchair, going up a hill. There is also two invisible characters, and their shadows, that represents Pobby and Dingan. I drew this drawing with pencils, so it is black and white. I didn’t use any colors, because I think that black and white is more meaningful and it fits the scene, which is a little sad. Also colors might have made the drawing less professional.
The hill in the drawing, represents the difficulties that Kellyanne has. She is going up the hill in a wheelchair. This shows how hard it is for Kellyanne to go through those challenges by herself. Kellyanne has her hand resting on the wheelchair, so she isn’t pushing the wheelchair forward herself.
There is also dark shadow behind Kellyanne, and it gets lighter when you go up the hill. On top of the hill, there is no shadow, only light. this also represents how Kellyanne is going away from the shadow towards the light. What the light represents, is for the audience to figure out.
Behind Kellyanne there are two characters. You can not see the characters, but you can see two lighter parts in the drawing behind Kellyanne. There are also shadows of those two characters behind the shadow of Kellyanne and her wheelchair. Other one of the characters is pushing the wheelchair that Kellyanne is in. The idea of this is to show that even if you can’t see those characters, they are still helping Kellyanne. That way they actually are real, even if you can’t see them, which is the main idea of the book Pobby and Dingan.
I did this drawing for my final project, because I thought it was a good way to show my understanding of the book. I did it as a drawing, because I like drawing, but I am really bad at it. This was a good way to practise my drawing. I had to do a lot of practising before I did my last draft, and I can really see how my drawing improved from the start to the final draft.
While I was drawing Kellyanne and her wheelchair, I had to do a lot of very detailed drawing. Drawing the hill, shadow and Pobby and Dingan was not detailed drawing, but it was also hard and time consuming. I had to draw the same spots over and over again, and to make sure that I don’t draw too hard. I think that My strongest part of the project is the idea. The drawing doesn’t look really professional. The hardest part was drawing Kellyanne’s face, and I think that it is the weakest part in my project. Also people that haven't seen or read Pobby and Dingan, can still understand my drawing.

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