Monday, May 23, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

The Cheshire Academy spring drama was "comedy tonight". It was a collection of different skits, dances and songs. All the skits were written by students and faculty from Cheshire Academy. The show was performed in the Black Box theater in the Field House on Friday and Sunday. Overall the play was funny, like it was supposed to be, but it seemed like the play could have used more rehearsal before it was performed. The actors all did a great job, but it seemed like the play wasn't ready yet. Some actors forgot their lines and the things that they were supposed to do. This might be because there were a lot of single skits that you had to remember instead of a single story line. Also because this was a comedy, body performance was an important part of the skits. Anyway I don't think that it was necessarily a bad thing. It made the play even funnier in some ways. All the actors performed bravely and weren't embarrassed to perform, which was a huge part to make the play successful. Some skits ridiculed some president candidates, religion and the faculty in Cheshire Academy. This was done by over exaggerating their personalities and characteristics. The play wasn't afraid to brake the limits to please the audience. The play was enjoyable to watch and I would recommend it.

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