Friday, May 27, 2016

Final draft

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino
     I had to remember an 8-line poem for my English class so I chose the poem "March" by an unknown author. I had to read the poem out loud, write it down and also perform the poem with music on the background. And now our teacher is planning to make us do a new video of us reading the poem with pictures on the background. The poem I chose, talks about spring coming and taking away the leaves left from autumn. The poem "March" symbolizes how our life has negative changes, but everything will turn out positive, and those memories will always be a part of us. The poem uses structural changes to show how those changes in our life shapes us.
     Like I said, the poem that I chose discusses how “the winds of March” comes and changes the winter towards summer. The poem says to the winds of March that “we welcome you”, which shows how much spring has been waited during winter. The Winds of March in this poems represents something positive. The positive thing comes after winter, which in this poem is something negative and misery, and even suffering. In this poem, the statement “blow the dry leaves away” refers to the start of winter, fall. This means that the bad things in your life, which is winter in this poem, starts from something that isn’t as bad, even beautiful. This shows that you never know where your life is going, and you shouldn’t be too trustful towards the good things, because they can lead to something bad. The poem teaches how all things end, but also new things start. This is shown through different times of year. When fall ends, winter starts, and when winter ends, spring starts, which is the start of summer. This can also be understood in a way, that the start of something, ends something else. This poem brings out the contrast between fate and destiny. It makes the reader think that can he change his life through his own actions, or is everything meant to be. It makes you think that are you living your own life, or just experiencing it.
     The poem is structured in 8 different lines. 5 of the lines contains 3 words, while 2 of them has 4 words and one line contains only 2 words. This helps the poem to bring up the fact that everything doesn’t always go the same, and there are changes in your life. The last last line contains 2 words which shows how your future will always be different in some ways than the present. The rhyme scheme in the first stanza of the poem is as following: A B C B and in the second: D D E D. The poem has a rhyme scheme, so it is not a free verse poem. The repetition shows that even that you have some changes in your life, you are still living the same life. Those changes stay in the past, but they are still a part of you. The poem has a happy emotion, which tries to show the reader that life is still a positive gift, and how you should stay happy, even though your life wouldn’t be so easy. The poem uses a lot of figurative language to show the meaning of the poem as a simile.
     This poem is one of the most meaningful poems ever written. It discusses honestly about the meaning of life and living. It makes the reader really think about his attitude towards life. It makes the reader realize how something bad is always followed by something good. At the same time the poem makes us think about destiny and fate, is the good taking the bad away, or does the good come only after the bad is gone?

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