Monday, February 1, 2016

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino
The Ending

The book “Me and You” ended when Lorenzo saw her dead sister. It was 10 years later than the actual story. The book also started when Lorenzo was waiting in a hotel on the same day as he went to see his dead sister. The last part began when Lorenzo was reading the note that Olivia left him, at the hotel. In the letter Olivia says that “remember to keep the promise”, which referred to the promise that they would see each other again. Lorenzo thought to himself that he will see her after ten years. He walks to some kind of corpse room, where Lorenzo sees Olivia laying on a table, dead. He asks for a moment with her alone.
I didn’t really have any reaction to the ending. You can’t really have a reaction to a fictional book. I didn’t really expect anything from the ending, so it didn’t surprise me at all. I thought that after their time in the basement, Lorenzo and Olivia would be closer and keep in touch with each other. The book said that they haven’t seen each other in ten years, but it didn’t relieve if they had been in touch with each other. There isn’t much that you could learn from the book. One thing that the book showed us is that if you do drugs, it is possible to quit, but it is very hard to stay clean forever. Olivia seemed like she quit doing drugs, but 10 years later she died of overdose. Another thing is that drugs can ruin your life and even kill you. In the book, drugs had ruined Olivia’s life, and later on they killed her.

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