Thursday, February 18, 2016

First first draft

Veeti Heikkinen
Jennifer Guarino

            Little Manhattan and Me and You both Show us that Love is the most powerful thing in the world when it comes to changing a person's personality.
            The book Me and You Shows how even a troubled kid can be changed by the power of love. At first, Lorenzo was a young boy who had a lot of social problems. He didn't have friends and he preferred to be left alone. This shows that he needed a person who cared for him. Lorenzo also didn't care for anyone else except himself. From this we can learn that Lorenzo was really selfish. When his half sister, Olivia, came to his life and she was in need, Lorenzo slowly started to care for her more and more. After he helps Olivia, he feels really good and suddenly he felt really alive. The love between Lorenzo and his sister Olivia, changed Lorenzo from from a selfish self centered boy to a caring and outgoing person. This proves that sometimes you just need a person who you love and who loves you back in order to find a better life.

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