Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Over thanksgiving break I did a lot of things. Mostly I just met and spent time with my friends, and partied almost every night. The best thing over the brake was when me and my five friends drove with our motorcycles to our summerhouse and spent a few nights there. We went to sauna and just relaxed and talked together. When we were driving there, one of my friend broke hos bike and he had to come on my bike. It took some time so it was getting so dark that you couldn't even see the road, which was scary. It was also cold and raining, but it just made the arriving better. When we left after a couple days, we left early so we wouldn't have to drive in the dark, but one of my friends ran out of gasoline so we had to bring him more. After that I broke my front tire, so I had to drive with a broken tire in the wet and slippery roads. The trip wasn't a total succeed, but at least we'll remember it.

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