Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I think my story turned out great. I had putten a lot of work into it, and it showed off. I still had a few things where I should have done a better job.
The characters and creativity of the story were really personal in my opinion. I could've described the character's personality and feelings more.
I included some details using the 5 senses, but I think that this was my biggest weakness. I got so caught with the story, that I forgot to write more about details and senses.
On narration and description I also did a good job. I also included a lot of feelings, but I didn't really explained that why did the character have these feelings. I think that I could do a better job with that the next time.
Clarity and correctness are really good and I believe that I didn't have much grammatical errors.
The length of my story fulfilled the required length, and went over it. The requirement was 1900 words, and I had nearly 3000 words.
I hope that I will get a good grade, but I know that I do have these things which lowers my grade.

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