Thursday, November 19, 2015

Veeti Heikkinen
Ms. Guarino

I read a novel called ”Gathering of Pearls”. It was written by a Korean woman named Sookan. She wrote the book from her own experience about moving from Korea to the U.S. and being here for the first year.
The book started when Sookan was moving to the U.S. and when she arrived to her college, where she would spend the next few years. Then it was mostly about her basic day routine and letters from and to her home. The book ended a little after her freshman year ended and when she heard that her mother died.
    I did not like this book. It was really boring to read about some Korean girl who was trying to get along in the U.S.. Usually good books have a continuous plot and the events are followed by each other and the reader is motivated to read more and wants to find out what happens next. This book was almost the opposite. The book didn’t have a plot, but it was just single normal day events written together. She compared the weird Korean culture to the U.S. culture, which was annoying. It was hard to read a book that wasn’t interesting. If I didn’t have to read this book for my English class, I wouldn’t have read it to the end.
    I would not recommend this book to anyone.

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