Monday, November 16, 2015

Peter Pan

Veeti Heikkinen
English Period G
Jennifer Guarino

    Today I went to watch the Peter Pan. It was a theater played and created by students and faculty members in Cheshire Academy. It took place in the Black Box Theater located in the Field House.
    The background decoration was well suited for the play and it was changed as the play went along, which helped the watcher to realize that where the play took place. There were a lot of people who changed the settings fast between the scenes.
    The actors and actresses all did a very good job, even though they weren’t professional. The characters were really personal and modified well for the individual actors and actresses. All the actors and actresses knew their lines and showed their character’s emotions well, so there weren’t any distractions. They knew how to make these little things that really brought this play alive. You could see how much they have rehearsed the play and how much they’ve putten effort in it.
    The plot was really interesting and easy to follow. There were a lot of different things going on even at the same time, but still it was very clear to realize what was happening at each scene. The scenes were well organized and followed by each other. The comedy in the play made it even better. I have never seen or read the Peter Pan story so I had nothing to expect, but still the play was a positive surprise. It took the audience into the story and made it a pleasure to watch.
    This was a well produced and organized successful play. I would recommend this play if it was still on. I want to thank the cast and everyone who was making this possible. It was a fun way to spend a Sunday!

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