Thursday, November 19, 2015

Veeti Heikkinen
Ms. Guarino

I read a novel called ”Gathering of Pearls”. It was written by a Korean woman named Sookan. She wrote the book from her own experience about moving from Korea to the U.S. and being here for the first year.
The book started when Sookan was moving to the U.S. and when she arrived to her college, where she would spend the next few years. Then it was mostly about her basic day routine and letters from and to her home. The book ended a little after her freshman year ended and when she heard that her mother died.
    I did not like this book. It was really boring to read about some Korean girl who was trying to get along in the U.S.. Usually good books have a continuous plot and the events are followed by each other and the reader is motivated to read more and wants to find out what happens next. This book was almost the opposite. The book didn’t have a plot, but it was just single normal day events written together. She compared the weird Korean culture to the U.S. culture, which was annoying. It was hard to read a book that wasn’t interesting. If I didn’t have to read this book for my English class, I wouldn’t have read it to the end.
    I would not recommend this book to anyone.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The ending of Peter Pan was a typical happy ending. The bad got what it deserved, and the good won and got back home. The bad in this story was Captain Hook, who jumped out of the ship's window into the water. It wasn't really clear to me that why did he do that. Also I'm not sure that what happened to the lost boys who stayed on the island. The children flew back home, where their mother was missing them, and reunited with their mother. I think this was a good ending which revealed their mothers feelings and that how much she missed her children, and they joy that ghe children brought as they returned.

Peter Pan

Veeti Heikkinen
English Period G
Jennifer Guarino

    Today I went to watch the Peter Pan. It was a theater played and created by students and faculty members in Cheshire Academy. It took place in the Black Box Theater located in the Field House.
    The background decoration was well suited for the play and it was changed as the play went along, which helped the watcher to realize that where the play took place. There were a lot of people who changed the settings fast between the scenes.
    The actors and actresses all did a very good job, even though they weren’t professional. The characters were really personal and modified well for the individual actors and actresses. All the actors and actresses knew their lines and showed their character’s emotions well, so there weren’t any distractions. They knew how to make these little things that really brought this play alive. You could see how much they have rehearsed the play and how much they’ve putten effort in it.
    The plot was really interesting and easy to follow. There were a lot of different things going on even at the same time, but still it was very clear to realize what was happening at each scene. The scenes were well organized and followed by each other. The comedy in the play made it even better. I have never seen or read the Peter Pan story so I had nothing to expect, but still the play was a positive surprise. It took the audience into the story and made it a pleasure to watch.
    This was a well produced and organized successful play. I would recommend this play if it was still on. I want to thank the cast and everyone who was making this possible. It was a fun way to spend a Sunday!

Friday, November 13, 2015


Mannequin:    A small, black velvet purse hung on the shoulder of the mannequin.
     -A doll for clothes

Second-hand:    To save money, I had purchased second-hand textbooks from upperclassmen at a fraction of the original price, and I was careful not to use too many notebooks.
     -Used, not so good quality

Animatedly:    Many of our classmates were there, with drinks in hand, talking animatedly.
     -full of life

Faltered:    "Marci"—Mrs. Gannon faltered—"I just want you to look pretty for your formal dinners at the dining hall.
     -talking unclearly

Impulsive:    She would acknowledge that I had done something impulsive, but would say that it was okay.
     -something great and impressive

Constrained:    But maybe that was why I had wanted to leave home for a while; I had always felt constrained there.
     -forced to do something

Gregorian chant:    A Gregorian chant program is scheduled for June, and students will be coming from around the world.
     -song type that is usually religious

Pearl:    The pearl necklace and wishbone pin would really stand out against the black velvet.
     -small round "ball" that is usually made by clams and used in jewelry

Elope:    I just want to elope and get our lives started now!
     -run away

Taciturn:    I would write to each of my taciturn brothers, even though they had never written to me.
     -silent, doesn't talk much

Sobbed:     I pulled the covers over my head, and sobbed until I fell asleep.
     -breath hardly

Pouch:    In a silk pouch that Mother had made was her thin, white gold wedding band.

Listlessly:    As I stared forward listlessly, little Sarah snuggled up against me, and whispered into my ear, "I love you, Sookan."
     -not interested

Hymn:    I was comforted by their high-pitched hymns reverberating in the domed chapel.
     -religious song

Fainted:    You fainted two days ago and you've been here ever since.
     -Pass out

Friday, November 6, 2015

Veeti Heikkinen
English, Period (G)
Jennifer Guarino

Sookans Future

     I think that Sookan will stay in U.S. at least until she graduates. She is struggling at school for the first year, but later on, she will do better.
     The reason why she struggles at her studies is that she hasn’t got proper education in Korea and she doesn’t speak good English, so she needs to spend more time to study in a foreign language, than she would send on her native language. Once she starts to learn the language, she will get better grades, and she doesn’t have to spend so much time on her studies. This allows her to spend more time with friends. The more she has free time, the more she starts to enjoy and appreciate life in U.S..
     She will stay friends with Ellen. They don’t become better friends, because their natures are so different. Ellen is really outgoing and likes to talk all the time, while Sookan is a little quiet and likes to have deeper conversations. With Marci she becomes even better friends. Marci and Sookan decides to be roommates for next year. Ellen and especially Marci helps Sookan to get through her studies. Ellen helps Sookan more with the American culture, getting along with other people and speaking English. Marci gives her help more with the actual studies.
     I believe that Sookan will find one more friend that she becomes really good friends with. I think that her new friend is probably putting a lot of effort in her studies. She isn’t very social and doesn’t get along with other people so well, but she isn’t bullied. This girl probably doesn’t talk much, until you get to know her better. She might have strong and good opinions about everything, but she is just too shy to share them. Sookan might help her to get along, like Ellen and Marci helped her.
     The more Sookan starts to get along in the U.S., the more she starts to forget about Korea. Her mother is a little upset about the fact that Sookan doesn’t miss Korea, but her sister gets really angry at Sookan, for not worshipping Korea and its culture. She reminds Sookan constantly, that Sookan needs to become a nun in Korea. Her sister thinks that it is really important to help the poor through religion. She doesn’t want to become a nun, but she is afraid of telling it to her sister, because she is afraid of her response. Sookan feels sad for letting her family’s expectations down, but she is happy to get to live in the U.S..
     She continues to babysit Bennett’s kids. She spends a lot of time with their family, and this helps her to get through the homesickness she is having. Sookan doesn’t think that the Bennett family is some kind of replacement for her own family, but it is relieving for her to know, that there is someone who cares and looks after her.
     Even though she misses her family and many things in Korea, she starts to like America more and more when time goes by. She kind of wants to go back home, but she prefers to stay in U.S. and later on she might even want to stay in America after she graduates from college.