Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Writing is hard

    I have always been bad at writing. It is really hard for me to write and try to come up with ideas for

writing. It has always been like that for me, and nothing has made it easier. I have been to a lot of

extra help but it hasn’t helped at all. Before I wanted to learn to write but since nothing has worked, I

have lost my interest in it. So therefore I don’t write a lot outside of school.

     One time when I had to write a memoir, it was really easy to write. I wrote about an important

situation that happened to me a little before I wrote the memoir. I think it was easy for me because I

wrote about my own feelings and facts so I didn’t have to come up with anything.

      I also don’t usually read a lot. Reading is easier for me than writing, but I still don’t like reading.

When I was younger I read more books by myself but now all the books I read are the books that I

have to read for school. I like to get smarter and learn about new things so other stuff that I read are

news and wikipedia. Other than that I don’t read voluntarily.

    My favourite book that I’ve read in English class is Persepolis. It is my favourite book because it

was much easier to read since it had pictures that made the plot easier to follow. But I liked it also

because it told about living in a communist country and how terrible it was.

    From all books that I have read, my favourite is this Finnish comedy book. It tells about this over

40 years old guy that lives in Helsinki and drinks a lot. I liked it because it was really funny and it

had a lot of stuff happening all the time, so it didn’t get boring at any point.

    I have always been bad at writing. It is really hard for me to write and try to come up with ideas for

writing. It has always been like that for me, and nothing has made it easier. I have been to a lot of

extra help but it hasn’t helped at all. Before I wanted to learn to write but since nothing has worked, I

have lost my interest in it. So therefore I don’t write a lot outside of school.

     One time when I had to write a memoir, it was really easy to write. I wrote about an important

situation that happened to me a little before I wrote the memoir. I think it was easy for me because I

wrote about my own feelings and facts so I didn’t have to come up with anything.

      I also don’t usually read a lot. Reading is easier for me than writing, but I still don’t like reading.

When I was younger I read more books by myself but now all the books I read are the books that I

have to read for school. I like to get smarter and learn about new things so other stuff that I read are

news and wikipedia. Other than that I don’t read voluntarily.

    My favourite book that I’ve read in English class is Persepolis. It is my favourite book because it

was much easier to read since it had pictures that made the plot easier to follow. But I liked it also

because it told about living in a communist country and how terrible it was.

    From all books that I have read, my favourite is this Finnish comedy book. It tells about this over

40 years old guy that lives in Helsinki and drinks a lot. I liked it because it was really funny and it

had a lot of stuff happening all the time, so it didn’t get boring at any point.

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